Tagged: ray eames

( 10 / 10 )

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Ok guys… I must bring a ‘parenthesis’ in here today! I really do…

The thing is: I promised to write about Brazil and Amsterdam, and I also promised a post about Ray Eames, and that’s the moment when I got lost!!!

Not in a bad way… not at all!!! Actually the thing is: I could not resist to write this ‘parenthesis post’  today: 10/10! I mean (and I really mean it):  I don’t believe in a lot of things, but come on!!!  It must be a sign… and it says: write it girl!!!

Nevertheless… I am pretty sure you are all going to forgive me – and maybe even thank me after a while – for this negligent act! (Yes…the drama is back!!!)

So: What is this so-called ‘parenthesis post’ all about? It is about ‘Powers of ten’– a documentary by Charles and Ray Eames

(of course)!

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It is awesome! Especially if you try to put yourself in their position… back in 1968 , I mean… If you are younger than me… you may not know but at this point, Neil Armstrong hadn’t even stepped on the moon yet!!! Really…There was a world like that not so long ago…

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Of course I had to add some images from ‘Powers of ten’  pic-nic set composition into my ‘under-construction’ post about Ray, and I could not help myself from bringing this delightful video-tip for those who might be interested!

Especially if you are one who likes fine composition, interesting subjects, and of course my delightful tips!

Thanks for reading me!dp bye

credits: this image is an interpretation of mine from this great poster by DennySchmickle.com

reading I cooking tip


Today, I would like to share a very good reading/cooking book(s) tip with you!

As I told you in here, part of my ‘living alone (+my lovely husband) learning process’ was learning how to cook (even boiling an egg was a big challenge some time ago), so as a  good nerdy girl, I bought some books, of course… and started learning things!

Three of this books are today my ‘bibles’  not only because I use each of them at least once in a week but also because they are books from women who also cook in a marvelous way but who are first of all fantastic photographers and super conscient human beans.

Each one of this books reflects the life of the kind of woman I try to be: a talented professional, who uses her time and make her choices based on life quality and sustainable factors. A ‘super-woman’ (wooowwwww) who’s able to deal with every day tasks and also find time to prepare herself and her family a delightful, fresh and beautiful meal, photo shoot it beautifully, and share it with other talented fellow friends!

I am not here to ‘convert’ any of you guys into my ‘kind of’ cooking religion, but I am here to say: Hello! you don’t have to become a chef or a Mamma to cook good food! And you know what? You don’t have to be unable to even boil an egg just because you are a very talented and busy business woman! I mean: look the pretty ones bellow, take a deep breath and embrace all your super-woman tasks! You can make it…

reading tip

All this conversation makes me think about one of my very role-models: Ray Eames, the most talented artist who was also known for her marvelous dinners.

Great thing about this dinners? I bet the food was excellent… but they were not really about it, they were actually all about composition, colours, forms and smell mixtures.

A funny story about one of this dinners is the one about Ray bringing marvelous flower bouquets for dessert and warning her guests: You are not supposed to eat it! It is a visual delight… Enjoy it! I MUST write a post about it!

talk to you soon, and have a great weekend…

dp bye

let’s talk about:

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I have some much to say about architecture… BUT first I must say : EAMES, BARDI, KAHN.


I love Charles and Ray Eames story and furniture!

I am a pleased owner of two DSW chairs, one DAR and one DCW!

I intend to write extra lines about them in the future, but in this first moment I would like to recommend the documentary about the architect and the painter.


Lina Bo Bardi was an Italian architect who found in Brasil her home.

Lina designed not only amazing buildings, but also absolutely fine pieces of furniture and jewelry.

I have left my ‘girafinha’ chair in Brasil, and I miss it every day!

What I definitely admire about Lina is the precision she had to put things together, into masterpieces. Not only when she gathered references to create architecture or furniture, but also when she put words together to build remarkable sentences and texts.

I recommend the book “lina por escrito” for the Portuguese readers, and I hope Lina’s texts happen to be published in other languages in a near future!


Last week we went to Louis Kahn exhibition at Vitra design museum.

The exposition was extremelly fine, even though I found it hard to be uninteresting when it comes to Mr.s Kahn, a guy who produced remarkable architecture, but who was himself a very interesting man.

I must also recommend “my architecture” a documentary about Louis, for those who might be interested to know more about Mr.Kahn. Try this preview first!

Hope you may have a delightful time, even or most of all if you are not an architect!dp bye